Nomination committee
Nomination committee
The Nomination committee shall be composed of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and representatives for the five largest directly registered shareholders in terms of votes as of 30 September each year. The chairman of the Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the largest directly registered shareholder in terms of votes. If any of the five shareholders who have the right to appoint a representative gives up the right to appoint a member to the Nomination Committee, the sixth largest shareholder shall be offered the opportunity to appoint a member to the Nomination Committee, and so on. No more than four additional shareholders are required to be contacted.
The Nomination Committee shall propose the following to the General Meeting: chairman at the General Meeting, Board of Directors, chairman of the Board of Directors, auditor, remuneration to the Board of Directors (divided between the chairman and the other directors as well as remuneration for committee work), and remuneration to the auditor. The Nomination Committee’s proposals to the Annual General Meeting will be presented in the notice convening the General Meeting, as well as on the company’s website. Remuneration shall not be paid to the members of the Nomination Committee. The company shall pay any necessary expenses associated with the work within the Nomination Committee.
The nomination committee is composed of Johan Sjö, Chairman of the Board), Stefan Hedelius (appointed by Tom Hedelius), Håkan Roos (appointed by RoosGruppen AB), Hans Christian Bratterud (appointed by Odin Fonder), Andreas Wollheim (appointed by SEB Investment Management) och Patricia Hedelius (appointed by AMF).
You can reach the nomination committee through the company address:
AddLife AB
Box 3145
103 62 Stockholm