Our most valuable asset
The AddLife Group is characterized by strong entrepreneurial energy with dedicated employees driven to improve both themselves and the company. The employees are our most important asset and AddLife emphasises secure forms of employment, a good work environment and individual growth opportunities.
Corporate culture and business skills
As an employee, the first contact with AddLife Academy is the Vision & Corporate Philosophy training. The training includes our core values, code of conduct, financial targets and sustainability. We have several specialised courses in e.g. business skills and leadership for our employees depending on their role in the company.
Code of conduct
AddLife's code of conduct is the foundation of our sustainability work. Together with our core values - Simplicity, Responsibility, Commitment, Innovativeness - the code of conduct is the base for our daily work. It provides guidelines on how we behave and do business and how we look at our relationships with the world around us. The code of conduct covers all our subsidiaries and all employees.
Network for employees
Apart from these corporate trainings within AddLife Academy, most subsidiaries also offer local information to employees according to their business context. AddLife Academy serves as both a minimum formation for all employees, as well as offering specialised trainings for specific competences. In addition, the specialised training courses serves as a forum where participants within same professional category from different subsidiaries meet, discuss and share knowledge.