Contact us

AddLife AB

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 08-420 03 830

Brunkebergstorg 5
Box 3145, 103 62 Stockholm

Organisational no: 556995-8126
VAT: SE556995812601
Invoice: [email protected]

Fredrik Dalborg (2)

Fredrik Dalborg


[email protected]

Christina Rubenhag

Christina Rubenhag


[email protected]

Anna 20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5760

Anna Bergström

Vice President Homecare

[email protected]


Luca Marenzi

Vice President Hospital

[email protected]

Nathan Pettitt

Nathan Pettitt

Vice President Hospital

[email protected]

Mattias Bengtsson

Mattias Bengtsson

Vice President BioMedical & Research

[email protected]

Kai Rantanen 2023

Kai Rantanen

Vice President Diagnostics

[email protected]

20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5579

Peter Simonsbacka

Senior Advisor

[email protected]

Per 20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5572

Per Wahlstedt

Vice President Organic Growth & Profitability

[email protected]

Christian Karlsson (5)

Christian Karlsson

Vice President Strategy & Business Development

[email protected]

John 20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5824

John Thornberg

Vice President Commercial Excellence & Organisational Development

[email protected]

Camilla Skoog

Camilla Skoog

Learning & Development Manager

[email protected]

Fredrik Marstorp

Fredrik Marstorp

M&A Manager

[email protected]

Timmy Rosendal (1)

Timmy Rosendal

Head of Sustainability

[email protected]

Lina Åström (1)

Lina Åström

Marketing & Communication Manager

[email protected]

Julie Oleary

Julie O'Leary

Investor Relations Manager

[email protected]

Ioana Dragan

Ioana Dragan

Head of Group Financial Controller

[email protected]

20211208 HIRES ADDLIFE 5494

Jamilah Wass

Group Financial Controller

[email protected]

Johanna Prim

Johanna Prim

Group Financial Controller

[email protected]

Tina Morander DSC 3043

Tina Morander

Financial Manager

[email protected]

DSC 1882

Nichlas Essner

Group Business Controller

[email protected]

Malin Lindh

Malin Lindh

Group Business Controller

[email protected]

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Kerstin Kocas

Executive Assistant

[email protected]